Saturday, 22 June 2019

From a bird eyeview: The truth behind the 'rainbow nation.'

Jacob Zuma has become a famous President after Mandela, but his fame did not come from the good things. He has been linked with a scandal after scandal. From the Schaik brothers to the Gupta brothers. As a result that has led us in a facade of thinking we know who Zuma really is, but the question is do we know?

Jacob Zuma has been enjoying this all this time, the joke is on us. A clear example is his biography written by Jeremy Gordon, he says that most of the time he would meet a brick wall when he asks about certain issues or periods in Jacob Zuma's life. He would respond by saying "Let us leave that one...I will talk about it in details. In an autobiography I am planning to write after retirement." That will include issue pertaining his family and his life in exile. As a result the biography about Jacob Zuma written by Jeremy Gordon thus becomes just a manuscript used to spin his saga with "Khwezi."

Be that as it may I hope he will write it one day. We are waiting. While we are still waiting a glimpse of truth about Jacob Zuma's life can be seen from an autobiography he wrote while still in exile in 1985. Though even then he refrains from talking about obvious things that were at close proximity to his life and leadership role. In this autobiography he does not talk about the operations of NAT of which he was it's leader, the fierce confrontation in Robben Island about the ideology within the ANC, his education and training from the foreign secret agents in the Soviet Union.

When he wrote this autobiography he was a member of the Central Committee of the SACP, had received military training in the Soviet Union and he was a Head of the notorious Intelligence and Security department, NAT. He was a seasoned leader of the SACP and MK Umkhonto weSizwe an armed wing of the ANC for well over 20 years. Half of those years he spend in prison. When he wrote this autobiography he had been leading delicate counter operations in Zambia and Lusaka. He was leading the senior officers on Imbokodo some who would write about their training from party school in Soviet Union to military training in East Germany- The German Democratic Republic, GDR was the base in the former  Soviet Bloc for the training in organisations such as the Mukhabarat of the Ba'ath party led by Sadaam Hussein of Iraq. The GDR secret police, the Stasi had a responsibility of the members of the ANC. These training were given even to the members in the lower ranks then Jacob Zuma. It would be very strange if the Stasi did not provide such training to senior members, especially in leadership position.

However this autobiography is not written by Jacob Gedleyihlekisa Zuma,; it was written by Pedro!?! Now we know that the cadres in exile used pseudonyms to protect their families like a member of my family used a pseudonym of Kenny Majozi which was not his real name and that created a huge problems for the ANC because all these cadres when they came back in 1990 they could not use their qualifications in S.A because their qualifications were from foreign universities and under pseudonyms, a lot of qualified cadres had to throw away their qualifications because of this...I wonder how did Thank Mbeki survived this or he did not change his name? Was he not a threat? I wonder how he was allowed to use his real name?

Anyways if you look at Pedro's autobiography which has a "CV" you will realize that he is fluent in Russian and German that is according to the letter Pedro sent to the  SACP in 1989. And Pedro was sent to party school and his political interpretations are Marxist-Leninist theory. Just that without going further, it takes away the idea that this person is unlearned who is Pedro? And quiet interestingly in a biography by Jeremy Gordon; Pedro and his credentials are not mentioned. Why? I think it was a deliberate omission so that we will think we are led by a "blind man" and I do not think Jeremy could have not done a research to find out about the life of a person who was going to be a future president of South Africa. He is too experienced to do such a blunder.

But if you want to see that autobiography, you can get it from a newspaper called Cocktail Molotov (which is another name for a petrol bomb) issue 2 July 2007 pg 27-28. Good luck on finding it or failing which you can go to SACP archives of 1989 look for Pedro's CV.

Otherwise you will be the your knowledge about JZ and look at Pedro's autobiography.

Friday, 21 June 2019

10 things that every man should know...

1. Give advice that matter in one sentence : It is part of being a grown up really, but you have to learn the art of saying the words that matters in just a sentence. A friend of mine once said this when I was going through hell..."When nobody has your back , you gotta move your back."

2. Take a photo.
In this day and age, its a matter of must...

3. Name a book that matters
Not your childhood fairytales but books that can shape or reshape the way we think.

4. Cook meat somewhere other than the grill...

5. Do not hog the conversation.
We all know that type of people that monopolises every not be like that.

6. Buying a suit
You need to learn that there are different suits for different occasions and some cuts are just a fashion statement they may not be suitable for your body type.

7. Swim at least 3 different strokes, doggie paddle (idadamu) does not count.

8.. Savings
If you plan to save money do exactly that don't get carried away to spend money you don't have.

9. "Know yourself, know your energy half your battle is done"
Do not win an argument and loose the war. Know when it is time to back down and say you are sorry...and mean it.

10. Life is not about likes.
Sometimes we need to understand that your private business is exactly that . Do not do anything for social networks.