After a good date it’s only normal that we conclude a day by
having a passionate long undisturbed night of love making. But sometimes that’s
not what is on her mind… after a good day, as men we expect that.
So after that day the only thing she wanted was to cuddle!
To be honest, I was not thinking of getting some, but the thought of not
getting any made me freeze. The question that came to mind was, what’s the
point of premarital sex if its mostly cuddling? So we
cuddled all night. It was weird, I thought it was some kind of foreplay
and I remember waiting for a green light but it didn’t come.
She was sleeping peacefully while I stayed up
looking at her! Now Gents will tell you, it’s hard to sleep on an “empty
stomach”. As she was busy getting more comfortable in her sleep, snoring, I
remember asking myself is this how the cuddle looks like?”. It was very
interesting and yes, I felt very self-righteous in the morning, I could go to
the pulpit immediately and preach. But getting through the night was a mission
and a half. I thought it was building-up to some kinky hanky-panky, But it was
not to be at least not that night. Upon sensing my loss, Miss Master Cuddle
clarified it by saying “a cuddle is an action-free intimate hangout”. Yeah
I had been disputing the statement that women are from
Venus, men are from Mars. After this experience I concluded that she is from
Venus and I am from Earth. I mean, I thought cuddling for women was a
post-orgasmic chill session, and men think of it as foreplay. Surely I didn’t
know much about cuddling but I thought of it as something that people do
between more actions. You know? during the 5 minute break "soldier" needs to recoupe; thats when you "cuddle".
So what constitute a cuddle? Evidently men and women think
of it differently. Some men like me cuddle because heaven forbid if you do not
hold a woman in your arms after action. But when I asked a woman after my own heart (not the one im currently marrying), she
had this to say but not in so many words though, “ cuddling is a couple’s thing
not just for random encounters. Women cuddle with people they love, because to them
(women), cuddling is not an act but a feeling- best enjoyed as part of the
orgasmic hormone rush." She also said.." it can be a sex free experience but it can
never be an emotion free experience”. Who knew that a simple act of holding in
an affectionate manner can take on a life of its own? For woman they cannot
cuddle without involving their hearts. Gentlemen, open those arms wide and dismiss your soldier.